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Ritmiese Musiek Ryk

Ons storie

Hoe ons begin het

Rhythmic Music Productions (PTY) LTD is 'n geregistreerde stigting wat in Junie 2018 in Johannesburg Suid-Afrika geregistreer is en gevestig is onder CIPC Reg No 2018/387169/07 Belasting No 9412146194

Die maatskappy spesialiseer in die produksieplatform vir vermaak, wat musiek vervaardig en kunstenaar / orkespromosie, handelsmerk- en handelsmerkprojekte doen, en ook in die Event Hosting / Management-sektor om die visuele kunsvormproduk te bevorder wat ons organiseer en die huur van klanktoerusting en spyseniering beroepe. Ons is 'n musikale gemeenskap wat waardes en 'n ware eenheidsgevoel met mekaar het in die werk wat ons doen.
Onder al die plesier en viering van ons kunsvormproduksie, lê daar 'n sakemodel wat ook gekoester moet word. Dit is 'n proses om inkomste te genereer en 'n goeie aandeel aan die sakevennootskap en sy blywende verwerkers (kunstenaars) te bied, ook deur ekonomiese waarde te bied, uitgawes te bestuur en organisatoriese volhoubaarheid te verseker. slegs deur ons besigheidsmodel na te streef, kan ons ons in die toekoms in staat stel om suksesvol te wees en die musiek en programmering wat mense lief kry, aan te hou bring.

Ritmiese musiek is 'n artistieke gemeenskap wat toegewy is aan die groei en ontwikkeling van musiekkennis, waardeer musiek en kunstenaars.

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Rhythmic Music Entertainment Productions is 'n gevestigde musiekverskaffer wat kliënte help met al hul musiekopvoeringsbehoeftes sedert 2019. Ons het ons dienste al hoe meer aangewend, maar ons weet presies wat nodig is om u geleentheid glad te laat verloop, met wonderlike musiek. uitvoering en komposisies is 'n belangrike bestanddeel. Of u nou 'n troue, albumopname, persoonlike partytjie of korporatiewe geleentheid beplan, of inisiatiewe wat met ons sakemodel verstaan.
Rhythmic Music Entertainment Productions is passievol om u die perfekte daad te verseker vir die geleentheid van u drome. Ons sal saamwerk, u deur al u opsies lei en sorg dat alles perfek is op die dag van die geleentheid / optrede

Ons werk ook daaraan om ons dienste in die bevordering van ondergrondse / onderontwikkelde kunstenaars te verbeter deur middel van shows wat bydra tot hierdie Elementary

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Sluit aan by die span en wees deel van 'n groot ryk !!

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@Phenious Mosemanegape
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Phenious Mosemanigape is the BIG dude that takes care of the business by targeting and selling out our brand to the public.
He joined the business in 2019 and has worked and managed to publicize what we do best.
His hard work is purely Magical.
He holds a Marketing Management position at Rhythmic Music Productions 
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Shaun Xoli Kunene is a visionary, a true  a hard worker who seizes to continuously create great things, he has managed to flaw through creating his idea in to a music blog that later became Rhythmic Music.
This Company is build through hard work, dedication and the thrive for success.  
We Continue to build an Empire, that is our Motive and the Aim as the experience and workmanship that goes through our Content, comes from a diverse magical place.
He is in charge of all operations and creations
of the business as the background comes from a DIY operative attitude.
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Shaun Xoli Kunene is a visionary, a true  a hard worker who seizes to continuously create great things, he has managed to flaw through creating his idea in to a music blog that later became Rhythmic Music.
This Company is build through hard work, dedication and the thrive for success.  
We Continue to build an Empire, that is our Motive and the Aim as the experience and workmanship that goes through our Content, comes from a diverse magical place.
He is in charge of all operations and creations
of the business as the background comes from a DIY operative attitude.
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Rhythmic Music is a progressive business that aims at creating opportunities for everyone, Our Business is a selfless business that works hard in making its visionary a possibility.

As a Company we pride our strategies as we have managed to set organizational responsibilities by setting out positions for our artist in order to skill them to be responsible candidates that are able to deal with different situations as far as entertainment is concerned, this also helps them to be in charge of their work and the departments that they are working in and in charge for.

We are trying to change the local musical scene by filling in the gaps where our artists can can take advantage of said or planned opportunities and market, Entertainment is done in a lot of ways but what makes ours different, is that it comes from a very lucrative and diverse place. We are working hard to change the Game and we are slowly becoming what you are soon going to be all speaking about and all that you need to be part of

We are also seeking to gain more artists, and signing more deals that will benefit everyone involved. 

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Ritmiese musiekproduksies

@Phenious Mosemanegape
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Phenious Mosemanigape is the BIG dude that takes care of the business by targeting and selling out our brand to the public.
He joined the business in 2019 and has worked and managed to publicize what we do best.
His hard work is purely Magical.
He holds a Marketing Management position at Rhythmic Music Productions 
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@Phenious Mosemanegape
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Phenious Mosemanigape is the BIG dude that takes care of the business by targeting and selling out our brand to the public.
He joined the business in 2019 and has worked and managed to publicize what we do best.
His hard work is purely Magical.
He holds a Marketing Management position at Rhythmic Music Productions 
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@ritmiese_musiek_ / @ ritmiese_musiek

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© 2019 deur Rhythmic Music Entertainment Productions

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